You can align images, videos, blockquotes and so on to the left, right or center. Examples:
Align an image to the left: <img src="" data-align="left" />
Align an image to the center: <img src="" data-align="center" />
Align an image to the right: <img src="" data-align="right" />
… and you can apply this to other elements as well: <video src="" data-align="center" />
You can caption images, videos, blockquotes, and so on. Examples:
<img src="" data-caption="This is a caption" />
<video src="" data-caption="The Drupal Dance" />
<blockquote data-caption="Dries Buytaert">Drupal is awesome!</blockquote>
<code data-caption="Hello world in JavaScript.">alert("Hello world!");</code>
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